A visit from nana and papa
Since we moved to NYC Tyler's parents have come over to celebrate 4th of July with us - I would now call it a tradition, which we love. This year not only were they here to celebrate the 4th but also to meet our little Riley.
Riley's Blessing
After the Yankees game, we headed down to Tyler's office to watch the Firework on the roof top. Let just say 3rd times the charm, the last two years we've watched the fireworks on the FDR in the rain. This year the fireworks were on the Hudson River, celebrating the 400th year of Henry Hudson exploration of the river, Tyler's office sits on the river. The view was
spectacular a clear night, a slight breeze, great company and a show that will be hard to top.
spectacular a clear night, a slight breeze, great company and a show that will be hard to top.