So it's been a couple weeks, but I'm back...lets take a look at what’s been happening.
Chase and I were in UT 2 weekends ago. Chase loved all the space to crawl and walk around at grandmas house, he even managed to slide down the stairs. We spent the weekend hanging out with family and enjoying a short break away from the City. We were also able to see the news member of your family, my older sister's little girl Hailey who is now three weeks old. She is adorable.
Let just say that flying now is a little more difficult given that Chase is mobile, but we did get some walking practice in on both flights. He is now crawling on all fours and loves to be on the go ALL the time. I can't believe he is going to be one in 10 days.
I spent this past weekend with the youth up in Goshen, NY planning our activities for the next year. We had a great turn out and were able to plan some great activities. Dad and Chase were able to spend some quality time together while mom was away.
We are getting ready to send Tyler off to Disney World for two weeks, don't worry he'll be working the entire time with his new client. Chase and I are planning to join him for a long weekend to celebrate Chase's 1st birthday.
Here are some new hair style's for Chase, what do you think?